Creative task: What is your philosophy?

“Sooner or later, life makes philosophers of us all.,” said French thinker Maurice Riseling*
I read this and think, “Why wait?” Why wait until life becomes a problem for me? Why not let it turn me into a philosopher today, right away, while I still have time?
This is how Eric Weiner begins his book “The Socrates Express: In Search of Life Lessons from Dead Philosophers.” What is your philosophy? Can you encapsulate it in one concise and elegant sentence, or do you need some inspiration? So, “How to live?” Or maybe “With whom to live?” Or perhaps “What to live for?” Pose yourself a question and create your own philosophy! It could be in bullet points, in the form of a mind man, a slogan or a photo story.
For those interested, here is a link to some excerpts from Eric Weiner’s book:

Module: On the search for a path, or the value of philosophizing